Sunday, January 30, 2011

Non Stop drizzle for the past 36hrs

It's raining when I woke up on Sunday morning. Everybody else in the house was like squirming under the blankets in front of tv. It's nice to cuddle in between and enjoy the cartoons with the children during such pleasant lovely morning. It is still raining in the afternoon, which means no laundry for the day..

It is still raining when I woke up after a quick nap in the afternoon. The weather was still pleasantly cool..and it makes you feel so attached to your blanket and not willing to let it go!  ;)

The rain didn't spare the night either, it keep on drizzling which makes you blog at ease sitting next to the opened window, catching on the glimpse of rain drops from the nearest roadside lamp..while sipping a mug of hot cocoa!! bliss..