Saturday, March 5, 2011

PE could be a threat to travellers?

PE or pulmonary embolism is a health threat whereby there's a situation of having a blood clot in your lung. It came as shocking read about Serena Williams, the Grand Slam legend - whom is now recuperating from it. Who would have thought  that being active in sports would also landed her as so, but it has further surprised me that other than these stated factor; immobilazation after broken bones, recent surgery or obesity - travelling can also magnify the threat!whoa..!! It is described that sitting for a prolonged period can slow the blood flow in one legs therefore risking the potential of clot formation. The clots were describe as capable of floating through the bloodstreams and lead to our lung, get stuck in the vessels and obstruct the blood flow like a clogged pipe!

So, what do you do to prevent it? I was concern because I do a lot of long distance traveling which usually clock-in more than 2 hours drive, so the given advice was, stop and have a stretch at least every 2 hours of drive or if traveling by flight, get up and walk around the cabin every hour. That should do it, and the rest we'll leave to Allah al-Mighty..