Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September?! Woww, it's already here?!

Work, is tough! and is currently of such winding road with thunderstorms here and there..
It's not a complain, though..I think I love what I am doing so much that everything was execute effortlessly's just that, when you look back, then you realized..."Woww, it's already September?! where does all those time flies?" 

Once we had to juggle as much as 4 different design proposals to be completed within a month, which is CRAZY for a small organisation like us. On average, we had 2 proposals each month. Compare to all those, we had only secured 3 projects from last year's submitted proposals and none actually had its groundbreaking. On top of that, NONE of the proposals that we have done since the beginning of this year initiate anything further than just 'submitted proposal' status. Tough, isnt't it?! So, imagine how's life is at this end of the world, which explain why I can't blog much nowadays even though I wish I would just do it.

Hope you guys had a better days.