Monday, June 18, 2012

Jakarta-architecture at a quick-pace

Driving through Jakarta on work days could be a nightmare, luckily it went smoothly for us that particular morning. Well, it's a smooth-ride for Jakarta standard of traffic flow which notably known for its horrific traffic congestion, so don't get to impressed of it. tsk tsk!  These photos might be just a few of interesting architecture landmark that I could snap on the go. Perhaps I would need another shot touring Jakarta on its own just to have a feel of how living in a heavy populated city feels like and experience its architecture.

this would be one of Jakarta notable landmark

there seems to be numbers of skyscrapers facing the  landmark roundabout

simple building there is

Thamrin City - the shopping complex

I wonder what's the detailing behind those glass wall

It's okay to spot such traditional emphasize on buildings here as it's part of their tropical architecture