every nooks and cranny that these feet steps on...but it's not much really on the destinations, it's about the journey..
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Time freeze at Kota Kinabalu International Airport
I have arrived at Kota Kinabalu International Airport a 2.5 hrs earlier than my actual departure time to Kuala Lumpur. It is not an achievement that I could be really proud of or something that I really looking forward to do but being that the only other choice would be extending my stay at the not-so-fancy-hotel for a hefty additional sum, so I guess doing this is the only sensible thing that I could think of at the moment. Am lucky enough to spot a McD around the corner at level 3 of the departure common hall, so here I am blogging this down in order to fill the time that, I have now so much to my own. However, I was feeling quite uncomfortable for having to choose a seat at the outer aisle just to be close to my bags and belongings on the push-cart, plus this particular branch is blaring some tune than loud enough that could be heard in between the Bruno Mars tune through the earphone that I have plucked into my ears. However, having to seat in this main terminal with such a bright ambiance, that comes from its triple-volume ceiling height with blaring glass-walls of its modern architecture, with a spikier environment compare to dilapidated-look of Terminal 2 does help me to wind-down from a tiring morning-half of my day, but still doesn't help me to ease the uncomfortable feeling from being 'in the middle of the world' with people passing by and screening my typing skills. ;|
And, a flight delay is not something in my wishlist!