It's been awhile since I last wrote at this wall, I mean really write stuff that's worth writing and worth reading. Not that I'm super busy, but I've been very demotivated with all the work loads pile-up which is due to the facts that I have to 'rely on certain people' to get my work done or complete the task that I'm doing. It pissed me off, when I try to get these people, it's either they're not answering my calls, or they're in the meeting or they're in their holiday, or they simply didn't do anything on their part etc etc.. so my work keep on piling and I never really able to complete the task!! which left me being so unproductive ..and hate myself for being so!! Which is why I didn't write much because this is what I'll be writing about, complain, complain complain..
So, what now? I think I'll pack my things and prepared for a long weekend since Chinese New Year would fall on January 23rd this year, and Tuesday is another holiday as well. Hope everybody else out there will be enjoying their holidays. :|