Monday, September 27, 2010

'stranded' in Bandar Tasik Puteri

Gosh!! can't believe it ... being 'stranded' for 6 good hours and it just went by like that.. 

Well, Bandar Tasik Puteri is quite far away from city centre, which makes me really wonder how does my girlfren that we are visiting can cope with all the long distance traveling every day!! It took us like almost an hour (plus getting lost of course) to get to her place, so imagine the time that she had to go through every day?? Anyway, she's just being lucky that the place was 'cool' - nice view with quiet neighborhood.

today is actually a Raya gathering - where everyone would be bringing 1 dish to celebrate together. And what do you know, by the end of the day, everything was gone - licin!! haha..what do you expect when 9 adult gather from lunch to dinner?!

Anyway, had a blast of time..thanx girlfrenz...we should do this more often?!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Journey from Klang to Kinta to Bujang valley: the Celebration

Travelling Day:

We really cherish the 'soul' of Eidulfitri this time around, making our way from Klang valley to Kinta valley then travel north to Bujang valley..visiting aunts and uncles, cousins allowing the children to mingle with the nieces and nephews and the second cousins etc etc.. and not forgetting the opportunity meeting up good frens which become distant due to distance.. I really cherish those moments!! it's simply a blessing by Allah s.w.t and it shows that being good between human without expecting anything in return would actually 'give you more'!! alhamdulillah, syukur...

Journey through the 3 Valleys: the sound of crickets, frogs and snores

Day 2 in Bujang Valley (Kodiang)
I'm still wide awake while everybody else has doozed off..
I was blinking away every seconds and minutes while looking up at the blank ceiling listening to the sounds of crickets, frogs and the spinning fan and also those snores..
living the life in kampung was fun during daytime but dreadfully null when nite came.. no network, not even EDGE-I have to safe this journal as draft, and waited when I come to 'civilisation' to upload it..he he

Everybody has lay like a log before the clock strike midnight!! and those rhythm of snores..he he